salam korang, sihat? sebelum ni, asyik entry sedih, pilu jer kan..haish! biasalah kehidupan mana boleh lari dari kesedihan... so, hari kita sambung dengan mood lain iaitu... FRUSTRATE!
Refer to title, pada 25 April lepas EH release the contest for this year, just a simple contest. But i'm still did not win!This is the advertisement.
just a simple condition, simple question but HARD to WIN!So, for the First round this is the question:
This is my answer, of course it's correct answer... if I'm not mistaken I'm the 100 something contester that gave the answer...
After a few days,.. on 7 May, the second round contest come out...

ok kali ni sy up sikit , sy jadi org yg ke-97.yeay..yeay.. This is my answers:
The answer was a corrected! by i was not so lucky to be choose as a winner :-(
3 round contest come out last Monday, 13 May... so, the winner has not been chosen... i'm really hope that i'm will be one of the winner.. aaaa "LUCK" please come to me...This is the contest.

This is my the best answer..bestlah sgt....
so, that all for today... kalau menang of course sy akan update! tapi kalau senyap tanpa sebarang berita atau ulasan tu, kira faham2 sendiri lah yea...
After a few days,.. on 7 May, the second round contest come out...

ok kali ni sy up sikit , sy jadi org yg ke-97.yeay..yeay.. This is my answers:
The answer was a corrected! by i was not so lucky to be choose as a winner :-(
3 round contest come out last Monday, 13 May... so, the winner has not been chosen... i'm really hope that i'm will be one of the winner.. aaaa "LUCK" please come to me...This is the contest.

This is my the best answer..bestlah sgt....
so, that all for today... kalau menang of course sy akan update! tapi kalau senyap tanpa sebarang berita atau ulasan tu, kira faham2 sendiri lah yea...
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