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15 November, 2011


Tomorrow  i have a presentation for subject economy Islam.. actually, it should be done but.. we got a little problem and that why we decide to be a last group for that day. Unfortunately, the time is not enough to finish for all group,, and our presentation will be done tomorrow.. 

Actually, i want our slide should be like i this... but! i'm sure that they of course not agree with me..
so make it for myself only.

Okay, this time my group should explore more about Information Discloser and we are more focus at bank.
from Islamic
from conventional perspective
            and this is adiffrence information discloser between islamic and convensional.

so, please say GANBATTE KUDASAI to me and my friends,,, i'm, really hope this word,  "good presentation" come up from mouth our lecturer.. and pray for the difficult question to answer.

Ya Allah swt.., please give me a strength and be me more confident to give a spech tomorrow..AMIN ya Robbal Alamin.. 


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