20 July, 2012

I found something…

My sharp eyes captured something..You know what? Hehe..Actually, I had a lot of time while I’m holidays now.. So, I don’t know what to do to make my eyes close (sleep). All SHINee’s program I had watched and now is Running man turn..

Semalam tetiba jer teringin nak tgk group GG..so, bukak lah episode 63. Dalam episode ni first mission is select the partner and that was very funny like usual. Second, couple bike riding mission which is the Running Man should caring his partners for the picnic but it must take 3 minute..if they can back at the started point so they were succeed. If not..They must to again until they are succeed..

What I’m want to write is about third mission ( 삼 미션). Couple race, which is they must buy 5 typical items for couple at Shopping mall W at ilsan. Okay, time diorang tgh sibuk2 cari barang tu, tetiba jer mata sy menangkap something yg sangat familiar yg sy tgh addicted sekarang…. Nak tau ape? Hehe guess what.

Kalau korang tgk, lepas scene Haha n taeyeon bought the cute chains to hang on pant they went out from the shop. Time diorang jalan tu lah, hah Nampak tak kedai apa? Pink2 gitu.. pastu dia ada tulis “PLAY ETUDE” hehe the scene before they are  excited because of discover a couple t-shirt.

Malam ni pulak, sy tgh layan Running Man episode 49, guest GoHara yg cute miut tu..ala yang diorang kena protect puteri..3 org puteri Hara,Ji Hyo and sorang lgi xberapa kenal. First mission, running man ni kena cari puteri ni..so bila da jumpa diorang terus bentuk group. So utk second mission is Queenbee race they should go to the street in front of I University which is U only for female. The first team arrived is Ji Hyo’s Team, she is partner with Kwangsu and suk jin.

What im want to story is not about this team but jae suk and gary team. Yang mana mereka punya princess da tua and gemuk 70kg kut huah huah huah… mmg kesian diorang kena bergilir2 bawa princess ni untuk beli makanan utk misi diorang lah.. and I discovered this!

Satu perkara yg sy nmpak ialah..kadang2 bagus jugak attitude Korean people ni. For instead Haha, tengok picture kt bawah apa yag dia buat..

Princess Hara yg agak sexy.

Nampak tak apa yang Haha Buat?..kira mmg gentleman la… he cover Hara’s thigh by using his coat.

 Pastu baru tukar guna kain lain… tulah nak pakai sexy2 sgt..hehe..

That all bye..


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